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Say goodbye to old-fashioned banking!

From the creators of monobank, the largest mobile bank in Ukraine


Open an account and use it for free, no hidden fees

Domestic and foreign transfers
0 zł
Account top-up fee
0 zł
Cash withdrawal fee
0 zł
Account management
0 zł

Everything you need, in one place

Cash transfers

Transfer money with BLIK to your account, your family and friends from your contact list
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image of mobile app interface
image of mobile app interface

Instant payments

Pay for media, top up your phone, pay in regular and online shops


Apple Pay and Google Pay

Add your card to Google or Apple Wallet to pay online

Detailed stats in transaction history

Track your income and spending with categories and custom tags

Split bill

Split a bill for dinner at a restaurant or a taxi ride

Virtual and physical cards

Get immediate access to an account in złoty by ordering a plastic card

Security settings

Change the PIN, set an online limit, block the card right in the app, in just a few seconds

image of security settings of stereo app
Security settings
You can enable or disable cash withdrawals and more
Block the card
You can always unblock it
Set the PIN

Always in touch

24-hour support in convenient messengers

viber logo
WhatsApp logo
Facebook Messenger logo

A few extra reasons to open an account with stereo

Use your card, play games, and win prizes
Reactions and comments
React when receiving a transfer, add a comment when making one
Shake your phone to transfer money. No need to know the account number, not even the recipient's phone – it's enough to just be nearby. Money transfers have never been this fun ever before!
Transfers by phone number, BLIK and online payments
You won't believe it, but a banking app may have games! Compete with your friends and and see who's got more points
Closed beta testing
Our goal is intuitive banking. That's why we've created a beta community for discussion and testing

Want more? Subscribe to stereo+

We regularly add new app features

0 zł
15 zł
Virtual card
No payment fees
No top-up fees
Account in złoty
Physical card
25 zł
0 zł
Instant SEPA
0 zł
Account in euros
Reactions and comments
No ads
Special design